Junction 2012 Core Courses

Below are the core class choices that were offered in Junction 2012.

Note that each year's class list is considerably different, though we always attempt to offer options in the physical sciences, life sciences, computer science, and advanced mathematics along with 1 to 3 interdisciplinary or humanities options.

To see core classes from other past years, click here.

Archaeological Science

Investigate ancient societies through the eyes of a materials scientist.

Protein Structure and Pathology

Explore the mechanisms that drive protein folding, and examine how disruption of protein structure and function results in human disease.

Biological Oceanography

From great white sharks to the smallest bacteria, discover how the ocean's aquatic environment shapes and is shaped by the life within it.

Cognitive Neuroscience

Explore the brain and how sensory systems, cellular biology, and gross anatomy influence human behavior.

Plato's Republic

An overview of Plato's classic text as an introduction to moral and political philosophy.

Computer Programming and Interactive Graphics

Learn the fundamentals of programming by implementing interactive graphics applications, from simple games to complex systems.

Quantum Mechanics

The contents of this course will be uncertain until you observe it; but the wavefunctions span history, concepts and application.

Proofs and Visualizations

Combine your intuition with advanced mathematical techniques to visualize and explore topics from number theory to hyperbolic geometry, and many beautiful places in between.

To see the Junction 2011 core classes, click here
To see the Junction 2013 core classes, click here

Last modified on March 17, 2014 at 10:17 p.m.