ESP Biography

BROOKE JARRETT, jumping shaking biking moving talking person

Major: Environmental Engineering

College/Employer: Not available.

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Brooke Jarrett

Brief Biographical Sketch:


I'm a senior at MIT in the environmental engineering department. We have this nifty build-your-own-major option so I opted out of the mathematics an headed to the Design and Build it part of our school! I've taken a myriad of classes from visual arts, documentary making, toy product design, international development, etc. I love to dream and create.

In my free time I make movies and draw. I also play rugby with our club team here! wahoo.

My fave foods are....
fruit smoothies, bananas, criossants, almonds

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

E3412: Rickshaw Design and Assembly in HSSP Spring 2010 (Apr. 17, 2010)
Have you ever ridden a cycle rickshaw? Do you even know what one is? (Take a look here: ). The goal of the class will be to re-design and build a cycle rickshaw completely from scratch. Woah! Should it be designed for moving college students' junk (a business?) Should it have power radios, lights, or cell phones on the side? Its up to you to decide! Some MIT students brought rickshaw parts back from India, and have some crazy design ideas but are too busy to do it on their own, and are looking for some help from very creative and motivated students who want to make something that will blow people's minds! (Careful, you may learn how fun math and physics can be when its applied to rickshaws.) Please note: There will be use of power tools and shop tools. Please fill out the permission slip and bring it to class. This class will be taught by members of the MIT D-Lab community.