ESP Biography

CARLOS GREAVES, MIT sophomore studying Electrical Engineering

Major: Undeclared

College/Employer: Not available.

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Carlos Greaves

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

E3567: Introduction to Sustainable Energy and Development in HSSP Summer 2010 (Jul. 11, 2010 - Jul. 11, 2011)
Everyone is talking about global warming and the environment these days, but if you are wondering what people are actually doing to reduce CO2 emissions and conserve resources, then this is the class for you. Each class day will focus on a different topic, everything from alternative sources of energy, to green architecture, to the economics of sustainable energy. Class time will be divided evenly between presentations, discussions, and activities designed to apply the concepts. This class won’t focus on any one topic in particular, but rather it will serve as a starting point for those who are interested in sustainability, but aren’t sure where to begin.