ESP Biography

CHRISTOPHER SARABALIS, MIT senior studying physics and poetry

Major: 8

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: 2014

Picture of Christopher Sarabalis

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I grew up in Spring Hill, Florida. I've got the Gulf of Mexico in my veins. Spirit animal: osprey or octopus.

I'm a big fan of the water. In high school I built and raced human-powered submarines. I also built a catamaran with my friend Steve. I enjoy diving, although I don't get to do that much here in Boston.

I write poetry. Been doing this since I was a babe.
You can find some of it here:
I think machining is really cool. I'm a mean TIG welder.
I believe science is the highest art.

I lived in Bexley hall on the fourth floor and had a great view of the trees surrounding the chapel. Bexley is condemned (VIVA BEXLEY), and so now I live in Tropical Labs with the tropical boiz.
I study physics here at MIT.
I'm more of an experiment kinda guy.
More recently I've been charmed by acoustic holography and micromanipulation.
I'm a teaching assistant for the infamous undergraduate experimental physics class 8.13.

I love it all. The world is beautiful.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M8060: How to Computer: An intro to calculus and numerical analysis in Splash! 2013 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2013)
I'll introduce you to some ideas from calculus: the limit, integration, differentiation, optimization, and maybe the fundamental theorem of calculus. $$ \lim_{x\rightarrow \infty}, \frac{\textrm{d}}{\textrm{d}x}, \int\!\textrm{d}x $$ I'll introduce you to julia, a scientific computing language being developed at MIT. It's free and readily available, which means you can use it to do cool stuff after Splash. You'll learn the basics of computations with arrays, functions, and plotting. This should all be stuff that you can use for your math classes back at home. I'll introduce you to numerical analysis, especially root finding, approximating integrals, approximating derivatives, and optimization. We'll discuss simple numerical procedures for the above problems (euler's method, Simpson's rule, Newton's method, etc.). Maybe we can outline a couple more advanced techniques. Hopefully you will feel the raw power of the computer. I am a physics guy at heart, so if we get done with these things, maybe we'll do some cool examples related to physics. Let's see ... maybe some cool chaotic systems? maybe some quantum mechanics?

A5525: The Democratization of Verse: Poetry Discussion and Workshop in Splash! 2011 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2011)
Poetry like you've never felt it before. We'll take a look at all sorts of modern poetry, focusing in on poems typical of a poetry slam. Imma show you how cool poetry really is. You'll walk away thinking, holy smokes, I never knew THAT was poetry. You don't have to, but I encourage you to bring poems you've written. But really, you don't have to. You can come for the ride. This workshop is a safe space. You can say anything. Be anyone. And as a result poem content and language could be mildly offensive.