ESP Biography

ELI GRAY, MIT Student studying Math

Major: 18C

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: 2014

Picture of Eli Gray

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S5313: Neuropharmacology: drugs and your brain in Splash! 2011 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2011)
Having probably already been educated about drugs, how would you like to learn some facts? Neuropharmacology is the study of how certain classes of chemicals interact with the nervous system. This class will focus on the behavioral (neuropsychopharmacological) effects and neurochemical action of psychotropic drugs (both pharmaceutical and recreational) in the human nervous system. Up for discussion are depressants (vicodin, alcohol, opium), antidepressants (prozac, zoloft) stimulants (adderall, ritalin, methamphetamine, cocaine), anti-psychotics (thorazine, abilify), psychedelics (LSD, DMT, psilocybin), dissociatives (ketamine, salvia), and many more!