ESP Biography


Major: Undeclared

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: 2017

Picture of Luisa Kenausis

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X8296: A Brief History of Neopets (and/or the Online [Social] World) in Spark 2014 (Mar. 15 - 16, 2014)
I played a lot of Neopets back in the day. A LOT. We can hang out and reminisce about the good old days before things like UCs, Zombie pets, and Ogrins even EXISTED. If for some reason you don't want to listen to me talk about Neopets for an hour, I guess we can talk about the Internet at large: Omegle, chatroulette, kik, Instagram…we have friends we don't even *know* now! Like…whaaat? If all that wasn't enough to pique your interest, there will be snacks!

P7662: A Brief History of Neopets (and/or the Online [Social] World) in Splash! 2013 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2013)
I played a lot of Neopets back in the day. A LOT. We can hang out and reminisce about the good old days before things like UCs, Zombie pets, and Ogrins even EXISTED. If for some reason you don't want to listen to me talk about Neopets for an hour, I guess we can talk about the Internet at large: Omegle, chatroulette, kik, Instagram…we have friends we don't even *know* now! Like…whaaat? If all that wasn't enough to pique your interest, there will be snacks!

S7666: Bacteria and You: The Spread of Antibiotic Resistance in Splash! 2013 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2013)
Ever taken an antibiotic for something like the flu or a cold? Do you regularly wash your hands, your kitchen, or your possessions with antibacterial cleaning products? If you said yes, then you might not be protecting yourself as much as you'd think… Come learn about bacteria (both good and bad), antibiotics, and the current spread of drug-resistant bacteria!