ESP Biography

MAGGIE KING, Person passionate about pollution & Lesley student

Major: Environmental Science

College/Employer: Lesley University

Year of Graduation: D/14

Picture of Maggie King

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S8811: Eat Your Own Aquifer in Splash 2014 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2014)
Where does your drinking water come from? Where does rainwater go? What are the risks of the transcontinental XL pipeline? How is water stored underground? What is an aquifer? Come experience a hands on approach to learning about these questions. Oh and by the way, the aquifer you experiment with is 100% edible! Warning: sweet tooth addiction is reinforced in this session.