ESP Biography

NOELLE HELD, Graduate Student in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program

Major: MIT-WHOI Joint Program

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Noelle Held

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I am a first-year graduate student in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program in chemical oceanography. I analyze the chemistry and biology of the ocean using various types of mass spectrometry.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S9104: Weight Watchers: An Introduction to Mass Spectroscopy in Splash 2014 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2014)
Mass spectroscopy is one of the most powerful tools available to researchers today. We will use a hands-on approach to understand the theory behind mass spectroscopy, then explore applications of this technology to fields such as oceanography, planetary science, and biomedicine.