HSSP Summer 2017
Course Catalog

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Arts Computer Science
Humanities Mathematics
Science Miscellaneous

All classes are now full, and new class changes cannot be accommodated.


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A11471: It Don't Mean A Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing: Swing Dance 101 Full!
Difficulty: **

Want to look like cool people from old movies? East Coast Swing is an jazzy social partner dance from the 1930s, and you too can learn how to dance it! Come learn the basic steps, as well as some exciting turns, passes, and other flashy moves. We'll also teach you about technique, dance floor etiquette, and everything else you need to go social dancing on your own once you get hooked on swing!

No experience or partner is necessary for this class, just comfortable shoes and clothes you can move in!

A11492: Make Your Presentations Rock Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: David Broadbent

You are going to make a lot of presentations in your school life. Is Keynote or PowerPoint always necessary? How do you get attention of your audience, hold their interest, and express your points? Could lessons from other fields...like cognitive psychology and architecture help your presentations be...better? Come find out and have fun!

A11463: a sketch book project Full!
Difficulty: *

"A picture is worth a thousand words".

This class is an introduction to a utilization of a sketch book. Visual journal is not just some lines on paper. On the other hands, it speaks another language that could be understood across cultures. Artists and designers have been using sketch books for collecting data, improving drawing skills, expressing ideas, developing thoughts, generating conversation and making friends with strangers.

Students will start with learning basic elements in visual communication; dot, line and plane. Students then will explore how to do a data collecting sketches, expressive hand sketches and mind mapping diagrams.

Through exercises in class and small take home assignments, students will develop their own unique sketching style related to their interest and making friends with strangers along the way.



A11484: Origami Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Isabelle Liu

Teaching students the art of origami - We will start out with simple pieces then advance to harder styles and may include some math/geometry lessons along the way.

A11495: Arithmetic with Shapes and Other Things Full!
Difficulty: *

In this class, you learn that calculating can be done not only with numbers, quantities and other symbols alike, but with visual shapes, colors and other physical things. Through lectures and short exercises, you are introduced into algebras that enable you to calculate with various kinds of visual (two-dimensional and three-dimensional) shapes. By using these algebras, you will learn how to explain and analyze compositions coming from a variety of fields, such as architecture and the visual arts. You will then use these algebras along with simple compositional rules to create your own compositions with shapes and other physical things. Readings and various examples from the literature of architectural design and visual arts will be presented by way of demonstration. Each student will develop one short final project based on the materials presented in class. Students interested in architectural design, computer science, elementary mathematics, artistic composition, will find out that calculating can be used as a basis for understanting all of them.

A11466: MYOP : Make Your Own Play!! Full!
Difficulty: *

Are you always the first one at the playground during recess? Do you always wish the slide is longer and the swing is higher? Do you have a dreamed adventurous playground that never exists? If the answers are yes, yes and yesssssssssss, this class is for you!!!

During this class, we will explore history and types of playground from the time before you and me were born. We will learn how + why people play and what kind of space created to accommodate that. Through brainstorming and design charrette, we will sketch out our dreamed play space and make small models. At the same time, we will explore different material qualities such as balloon, inflatable, tarp, wood stick, paper roll, plastic bottle, and whatnot. Then see how we can use this materials to make our own play space!!

Who said you are too old for the Playground. No one is too old to PLAY!!!


A11474: Intro to Creative Writing Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Alexander Cronis

This course will cover how to write in all genres (graphic novels/long fiction/short fiction/screenwriting/poetry/etc.). For the first few weeks we'll talk about craft and different techniques for how to write. Then we'll switch over to a workshop - students will share their work with other students and we'll discuss ways to improve their writing together.

Computer Science

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C11493: Making Games with Gameblox Full!
Difficulty: **

Make small, simple games using Gameblox, an online blocks based programming environment made here at MIT. So far, users have made a wide range of games, from tower defense, to maze, and item collection games. By applying basic programming concepts, you'll make something fun that others can play online.

No previous programming experience is required.


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H11465: Your Novel Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Stirling Newberry

You want to write your novel! Only you can not quite begin... Or you have stated but there is no end in sight... Whst could be wrong?
This is a class for all of the would-be authors out there, who want to learn the secrets that the great authors have taught them ... from James Joyce and Jane Austen to more recent people. There is a craft to writing, and away of doing the thing we call writing. The only thing you have to do is one of the hardest things to do... show other people your work, and worse still to have them comment on it.

You have to write

H11502: Dreams, Dreaming and the Subconscious Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Carol Hardick

Hello Everyone!
With an the interdisciplinary approach of dream science, cognitive psychology, art and humanities, Dreams, Dreaming and the Subconscious will introduce you to the huge topic of the subconscious with an emphasis on the sleeping brain.

Ideas about dreams filter into our pop culture. The Harry Potter series and the movies Inception and the Matrix, for example, have lots of twists and turns and raise questions about memory, knowledge and artificial intelligence. What’s possible and what isn’t? What’s déjà vu? Can an idea be planted in a person’s mind? Can two people share a dream? Can a person’s mind be controlled or manipulated?

With lots of discussion, we’ll use different perspectives and the principles of critical thinking to study the mystery, the nature of the mind and learn different theories about dreams and the subconscious.

As we discuss the breadth and depth of the mind, the sheer ingenuity of an individual’s ability to think and create in so many ways, (and even do it while we’re sleeping,) we open the door to understanding that vast universe we call a mind.

H11509: HASS Lecture Series Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Keith Phuthi

Every week, a different teacher will teach a random topic of their choice in the humanities/arts.


H11500: Philosophy reading seminar Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: yc yu

Seminar on Plato's Republic and some other dialogues.

Please read up to (at least) section 383c before the first class:

You can also get a paper copy:

Please sign up only if you can commit to about 100 pages of reading per week and participate in discussion.

H11507: Plato's Protagoras: Is Wisdom All We Need to Live Well? Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Leonard Katz

In this dialogue by Plato, Socrates argues that we all want to do well in life and wisdom lets us do this, so that some kind of knowledge is always what's missing when people fail through cowardice or overeating or whatever. Really? And what about addiction? We'll examine his arguments closely and discuss whether his position is correct and see whether we, perhaps with some help from Plato's later works and recent science, can do better.

Ability and interest to read weekly readings slowly and patiently and to discuss issues raised thoughtfully. The Lombardo and Bell translation, published by Hackett, will be used, but you may use another before we meet to start out, free online or from libraries, before we meet.

H11490: Effective Communication Seminar
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kayode Ezike

Do you struggle to find the right words when addressing others? Do you find it hard to enter into your power pose while speaking? What IS a power pose? If you struggle with any of these questions, this is just the class for you! Our goal is to make you a better speaker by the end of this 6-week interactive series.


H11486: The Politics of Health Full!
Difficulty: *

This course will address historical and contemporary issues broadly related to "health." Each class will focus on one topic, and conversations will be prompted by watching a documentary or reading a short text.
Topics include the history of eugenics in the United States, regulation of toxicities, the development and use of pharmaceuticals, healthcare systems, and reproduction debates.

H11462: Down the Rabbit Hole - An In-Depth Exploration of Wonderland Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Lilly Chin

"Somehow it seems to fill my head with ideas — only I don't exactly know what they are!"

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland have certainly filled many people's heads with ideas - references show up to it in Japanese video games, The Matrix, and even biological theories! But just what are these ideas? And how closely do they tie with Lewis Carroll's source material?

In this class, we'll be doing an in-depth exploration of Wonderland - reading Carroll's original writings, investigating how Alice's portrayal has changed over time and discussing what these changes mean for the nature of childhood, history of mathematics, drug culture and more!

I'll expect you to do some amount of reading every week - including the two main Alice books. All readings will be provided / can be found online.

H11489: Plato's Protagoras: Is Wisdom All We Need to Live Well? Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Leonard Katz

In this dialogue by Plato, Socrates argues that we all want to do well in life and wisdom lets us do this, so that some kind of knowledge is always what's missing when people fail through cowardice or overeating or whatever. Really? And what about addiction? We'll examine his arguments closely and discuss whether his position is correct and see whether we, perhaps with some help from Plato's later works and recent science, can do better.

Ability and interest to read weekly readings slowly and patiently and to discuss issues raised thoughtfully. The Lombardo and Bell translation, published by Hackett, will be used, but you may use another before we meet to start out, free online or from libraries, before we meet.

H11461: Intro to Linguistics Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Joonho Ko

Linguistics is the study of languages at the broadest scale: over the course of six lectures, we will cover four major topics of linguistics: morphology, phonetics, syntax, and semantics. If time allows, additional lecture time may be used to cover other miscellaneous topics such as endangered languages, sign language, and language acquisition. This class will be a condensed, yet more relaxed version of MIT's class 24.900.



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M11482: Intro to Real and Complex Analysis Full!
Difficulty: ***

This class will go over various topics in real and complex analysis. We will go over the construction of the real numbers via Dedekind cuts and introduce many concepts in analysis through the use of point set topology.We will also go over the basics of algebra on the complex plane. We will later explain calculus on the complex plane and geometries like Riemann surfaces. Apart from the pure math, near the end we plan on introducing basics of fluid flow using complex analysis.

Comfort with AP BC Calculus material.

M11479: Reasoning through games of chance Full!
Difficulty: *

This is a small sampling of probability, statistics, and computation. Not meant to be comprehensive, it's just a teaser with a few fun applications. Every other class will be hands-on group work centered around a game (for example, the prisoner's dilemma, decoding messages, monty hall, or taste testing). And the class before will set up the background helpful for working through the game using demonstrations with parallel examples.

Some knowledge of probability and statistics is helpful, but not required. A small amount of programming will also be introduced. The first class (or two) will be focused on introductory material and will also be used to gauge the amount and level of programming to be incorporated into the rest of the classes.

M11470: Practical Calculus - A Crash Course Full!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Alex Hanson

Calculus, more than any other subject, is fundamental to understanding every branch of science, engineering, technology, and mathematics.

This course serves as a practical introduction to the most important parts of calculus. We won't belabor nitty gritty technicalities; rather, we'll focus on the parts of calculus that scientists and engineers use every day.

Examples taken from various branches of science and engineering.

Pre-Calculus or equivalent exposure to polynomials, exponentials and logarithms, trigonometric functions, and the concepts of asymptote, tangent line, domain, and range.

M11468: Relational Databases Before There Were Such Things Full!
Difficulty: ****
Teachers: Stirling Newberry

This is a story about the underpinnings of what we now call relational databases. It may sound fancy to remember Codd and Date, the progenitors of the relational database, are not household names. But even with these two, the story goes back hundreds of years. This is that story in the outlines, or at least a version of it, which reaches back not to Codd and Date, but to Galileo Galilei, and forward to an unknown future.


M11505: Introduction to probability and inference: AP Statistics and MORE Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Alexandra Ding

Statisticians interpret data and use it to inform decisions about healthcare, policy, business, and more. This course will explore basic probability theory behind parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, and experimental design. Because data is the heart of statistics, we will also emphasize practical applications and the use of real datasets from biology, government and finance to visualize data and explore different hypotheses. If you are at least 95% confident about being interested in this course, you are welcome to join!

Algebra II

M11481: Topics in the History of Mathematics Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Anshula Gandhi

Learn about the social contexts in which notable mathematicians worked, the development of famous problems, and deciphering old mathematical writing.

M11473: Fun With Paradoxes Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Benjamin Costa

How many people do you need in a room before they have a 50% chance of sharing a birthday? Take this class and find out! The class explores a bunch of interesting quirks in math and statistics, including the Monty Hall problem and its variations, Simpson's Paradox, the aforementioned Birthday Paradox, and many other problems. We may also delve into some logic puzzles, depending on time (and student demand). This class is open to all ages or and experience levels, as long as you want to have some fun with math!

Knowledge of basic probability is useful, but not required.


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S11476: Introduction to Organic Chemistry Full!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Miles Dai

Organic chemistry, the study of the structures, compositions, properties, and reactions of carbon-containing compounds, forms the basis for biochemistry and the modern pharmaceutical industry. Despite its reputation as a challenging course, organic chemistry is, at its core, a creative science that uses very fundamental concepts to build up a toolkit for making very complicated compounds.

This course will give you a primer to the most important material covered in a first-semester organic course, so we will be moving quickly, beginning by looking at the properties of molecules that affect their reactivity such as polarity, acidity, and stereochemistry. Following that, we will delve into the reactions with different types of molecules such as hydrocarbons, carbonyls, alcohols, and haloalkanes. Finally, we will use this arsenal of tools to devise and evaluate potential pathways to desired synthesis products.

A strong understanding of high school chemistry concepts including periodic trends, electronegativity, formal charge, Lewis structures, acid/base concepts, and redox chemistry is a must since many reaction mechanisms will be grounded in these concepts. Also, a willingness to review class material and attempt homework problems is important to successfully learning organic chemistry.

S11504: Fundamentals of chemistry without all the cr*p: the structure of matter Full!
Difficulty: ***

We'll cover core concepts of chemistry with emphasis on the physical (primarily quantum-mechanical) basis of chemical properties. I'm not going to teach you a hundred wrong models of the atom as is done in many high school courses. Stoichiometry, chemical thermodynamics, and equilibria will also be skipped. Even the more experienced students will have plenty to learn and think about.

* Electronic structure of atoms using elementary quantum mechanics: the hydrogen atom, $$i \hbar \frac{d}{dt} \Psi(t) = \hat{H} \Psi(t)$$, orbitals (!)
* Polyelectronic atoms (can we still use orbitals?), Slater's rules, periodic trends, ionization energy and electronegativity
* Understanding electrons in molecules with MO theory: the covalent bond
* Rationalizing molecular geometry
* Explaining reactivity, Brønsted and Lewis acidity and basicity
If we have enough time, we might also do:
* Crystalline materials, bonding in solid state
* Molecular symmetry and vibrational/electronic spectroscopy
* Tour of the periodic table in your home and in the lab.

You will learn more if you have taken year of chemistry or physics in high school. E.g. do you know what potential energy is? Also, I might have to use calculus in the first lecture only. Of course, you're welcome to attend if you haven't had these. The most important prerequisites are interest and motivation!

S11501: Mind Control and Other Cool Topics in Neuroscience Full!

Ever wonder what's going on in your brain? Why do we dream? Where do emotions come from? Is mind control really possible?

In this course, we will go over cool topics in neuroscience in an easy-to-digest way. We'll talk about neurons, senses, brain technology, and much, much more! We welcome students of all ages and encourage questions and hands-on activities. The first half of every class will be interactive lessons, and the second half will be demonstrations with tools that scientists use to read and control minds!

Over this course, we will cover:
1. An introduction to neuroscience + sheep brain dissection
2. Cellular and molecular neuroscience + glow-in-the-dark neurons
3. Systems neuroscience + laser mind control
4. Cognitive neuroscience + illusions and mind tricks
5. Neurotechnology and the future + telekinesis
6. Tours of MIT Brain and Cognitive Sciences' real labs!

We're excited to explore the brain with you!

One biology class, or some basic biology knowledge

S11496: Quantitative Biology Full!
Difficulty: ***

How can we predict the winner(s) of a competition between two or more species? Did you know that RNA viruses can evolve to exhibit the prisoner's dilemma? In this course we will learn about cool biology experiments that have a quantitative twist. We will use this knowledge to create and understand biological models. Topics will include molecular structures, evolutionary games, and ecology.

Some knowledge of a biologist's vocabulary; i.e. cells, populations, enzymes. Basic math skills (different types of graphs, solving an equation for one variable) very helpful but not required.

S11483: Introduction to Modern Physics Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Chitraang Murdia

The course is an introduction to the two major theories in physics - relativity and quantum mechanics. Topics in relativity include length contraction and time dilation, famous paradoxes (like twin paradox), energy-mass relationship, and introductory general relativity. Topics in quantum mechanics include photoelectric effect, wave-particle duality, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, particle in a box, and Schrodinger's cat.

Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Basics of Wave Mechanics, Introductory Calculus

S11475: Human Anatomy and Physiology: How the Body Works Full!
Difficulty: **

How do tiny cells organize into the lungs, brain, and bones? How does the heart pump blood to fuel the entire body? From the muscles that keep you alive to the complex organ that helps determine who you are, we will explore the workings of the human body from head to toe.

Whether you’re interested in medicine, biology, biological engineering, or just curious about what goes on inside of you, this is a great introduction to human anatomy and physiology.

S11503: Earth's Systems and Society Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Weber Liu

Have you ever wanted to learn more about the Earth we live on? Or perhaps you're interested in how people learn from and interact with the Earth's systems? Join us for this general introduction to topics in earth science, where we'll cover earth, sea, and sky and how our understanding of the Earth shapes our interactions with it.

S11487: Introduction to Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, and Laboratory Techniques Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Akshaye Shah

In this course students will explore the inner workings of cells, and how genes play a role in the cell. Students will develop an appreciation for genomics and genetic engineering. They will get to understand concepts such as epigenetics, the life cycle of DNA and how it affects the cell. How current techniques in theory can be applied in the real world research. Students will also have the opportunity to run experiments (virtually) and even learn basic biology laboratory techniques. The experiments will include creating a plasmid, running digests, and even applying their theories into a possible real life application.

NA A Thirst for Knowledge

S11472: Quantitative Chemistry and Regenerative Biology Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Christine Hamadani

We will go over the mathematical and quantitative aspects of chemistry such as acid-base, kinematics, how enzymes work, and what really happens on a biochemical level to cause diseases. We will cover the neuro-biochemical basis of a broad variety of diseases, such as Schizophrenia, Parkinson’s, and Amnesia. Our second half will carry over into the biological aspect. How does tissue regeneration really work? We will cover neurological basis of repair, such as in auditory hair cells, and will also detail situations that go awry: the mechanisms of cancer in which there is too much cell replication.

Basic understanding of biology would be helpful

S11469: Secrets of the Adaptive Immune System Full!
Difficulty: **

The brain is not the only part of your body that learns! Every day, cells in your adaptive immune system learn to recognize and fight bad viruses and bacteria. How do those cells do it, and what can we do to help them? In this course, you will find out!

Introduction to cells in a science class.

S11498: Drugs and the Brain (DATB) Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Zak Fallows

This class is a multidisciplinary introduction to pharmacology, neurotransmitters, drug mechanisms, and brain diseases from addiction to schizophrenia.

This class is adapted from an MIT undergraduate class, see here:


From Abilify to Zyrtec, the world is full of fascinating drugs. If you are poisoned by sarin nerve gas, you may be able to save your life by huffing some BZ nerve gas. This class will explain that chemical curiosity, plus a lot more interesting tidbits of pharmacology. The structure of the class interleaves basic concepts with specific examples and entertaining tangents, so it is not loaded with boring abstract theory. In the first class you will learn what a neurotransmitter is, and you will immediately apply that knowledge when we discuss the mechanism of caffeine. The class is highly multidisciplinary, including topics such as patent law, medical ethics, history, and the fluid dynamics of spinal anesthesia.

S11499: History of Physics Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ethan Vo

This course is a broad overview of the history of physics starting from ancient times and ending in the 20th century. The social impact and cultural aspects of developments in physics are explored in each time period, providing a discussion which bridges humanities and physics.

The course will discuss topics including ancient and medieval astronomy, the social impact of Galileo and Newton, innovation brought on by research in electricity and magnetism, and the philosophy of quantum mechanics.

Trigonometry and precalculus would be helpful, but not necessary.

S11506: Animal Behavior: Evolution and Genetics Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Alexandra Ding

Whether you’re a naked mole rat or a snapping shrimp (or a human), your behavior is ultimately shaped by evolution and encoded in your genes. Topics in this class include evolutionary theories of behavior, behavioral genetics, social behavior, game theory, and communication. In addition, you will learn to critically read papers in animal behavior and genetics.

S11480: Applied Chemical Thermodynamics Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Joey Gu

Matter. It’s everywhere. It occupies physical space, exchanges energy with its surroundings, transforms from one state to another… Different substances are brought together, mixing, reacting, segregating…

In chemical thermodynamics, we study the macroscopic behaviors of matter. How do we unambiguously describe the state of oxygen in a jar? How much water is contained in the ambient air in your room on a given day? What volume do you get when you mix 100 mL of alcohol with 100 mL of water? How is distillation able to separate a mixture of chemical compounds?

Building on already familiar concepts from high-school physics and chemistry, we will learn to speak the unifying language of thermodynamics. We will search for thermodynamic data on the web, and use them to solve applied problems. Through live demonstrations and discussions of theoretical concepts, the class will guide you in forming an intuition about matter at its purest. You will never look at the material world (your physics and chemistry teachers too) quite the same way again…

One year of high-school physics and chemistry; familiarity with basic algebraic manipulations. Examples of concepts that you should already know from: 1. physics: SI units, work, heat, energy, heat capacity; 2. chemistry: molecules, mole, solution, boiling point, hydrocarbons, enthalpy; 3. mathematics: plotting functions, rearranging equations (‘make $$x$$ the subject’), exponentials, logarithms

S11508: STEM Lecture Series Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Keith Phuthi

Every week, a different teacher will teach a random topic of their choice in the sciences.



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X11494: Debugging the Real World Full!
Difficulty: **

Is the world precisely what you want it to be? If so, this isn't the class for you. Otherwise, we'll talk about changing the world: successful (and less successful) activist movements/organizations/organizers - and what the difference is; how to get involved in local (and state level) politics; how to talk to people with whom you disagree; secrecy vs. transparency and security; and how to start your own project.

A willingness to deal with difficult topics; A commitment to being respectful of other's opinions

X11485: How People Actually Work Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Alec Lai

In "How People Actually Work", you will explore, discuss, and analyze six key and unique perspectives to understanding how people and communities work, and how you can use this to change your life. Drawn from research in social sciences, managerial sciences, psychology, and sociology, combined with exciting stories and experiences from CEOs to the homeless, this class is a special culmination of over six years of research and exploration. How do people persuade others to do what they want? How do communities break apart, and how does drama begin? How can you work together with others to make your dreams come true? How do these learnings help me start businesses? With workshops, guest speakers, and live demonstrations, jump in this exciting and enlightening exploration this summer.

X11491: Adulting 101 Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Matthew Farejowicz

There are just some things that are not in school! Simple things like, budgeting, what to wear to an interview, how to even get an interview and even more difficult things like what on earth is a credit score and how to buy a house. All these things are essential skills that adults wish they learned in school, so get ahead of the game by becoming aware!

X11488: Communication 101 Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Alec Lai

"Communication 101" is an intensive workshop to help bring your communication skills to the next level! Whether you have stage fright or are an avid presenter, or whether you feel great in social situations or nervous about meeting new friends, this workshop will put you through a series of lessons, guest speakers, exercises, and live demonstrations that will help anyone grow as a wholesome communicator. In these short weeks, you will strive to master the whole package: not just the typical public speaking, but small talk, social networking, written word, sales, and much more. And, you'll do all of this while being challenged, invigorated, and supported by the community around you. Let's get talking.